Tajweed Adventure: Uniting Hearts with the Quran

Embark on a summer of Quranic discovery with your whole family!


Have you ever wished, Your Entire Family could bond over the beauty of the Quran?

Join Our Free Workshop for Muslim Parents!


Day: Saturday, | Date: June 22nd, 2024 | Time: 4:00 pm EST


Imagine Being In Jannah!

Imagine being in Jannah, Rejoicing as your entire family is known as The family of the Quran. The Quran intercedes for you and your loved ones, bringing Immense joy and Rewards in Hereafter.

If you've been yearning for a way to bring your family and each other closer to the Quran this summer, This Workshop is for you! ✨

Empowerment Through Tajweed


Learn how Understanding and Perfecting Tajweed can Transform your Relationship with the Quran and Enhance your Daily Recitations.

Family Bonding Through Shared Goals


Discover Fun and Engaging Ways to Set and Achieve Tajweed Learning Goals as a Family and Creating Cherished Memories and Strengthening your Bond.

Long-lasting Spiritual Benefits


Explore the Profound Rewards of Learning Tajweed, not just for this Life but also in the Grave and the Hereafter. Understand how the Quran will be your Companion in the Grave and your Intercessor on the Day of Judgment.

Why Join The Workshop: 

Expert Guidance: 

Master Tajweed with expert advice from seasoned educators and specialists.


Community Support: 

Connect with Muslim parents to share experiences, support each other, and raise a Quran-centered family together.


Interactive Sessions:

 Join interactive discussions, Q&A sessions, and hands-on activities to empower your family. Learn Tajweed through practical exercises and real-life applications.

 وَرَتِّلِ الْقُرْآنَ تَرْتِيلًا
"And recite the Quran with measured recitation."
(Quran 73:4)

Joining this Workshop will Empower you and your Family to Embark on a Meaningful Journey of Quranic Learning, Enrich your Spiritual Lives, and Secure Rewards in the Hereafter.


Sign up now for this free workshop and make this Summer unforgettable for your family by diving into the beautiful world of Tajweed together!


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